Thumbs Up Toastmasters
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Dear Current & Future Distinguished Toastmasters, 

Toastmasters International is a U.S. headquartered nonprofit educational organization which operates clubs worldwide for the goals of promoting communication, leadership, and public speaking skills.

Thumbs Up Toastmasters is a Irving-based club chapter of this international organization. We're known officially as Club #1415 | Area 61 | District 25, but unofficially as a friendly and welcoming bunch. 

  • Although some clubs are exclusive to those that work at a certain company, business professionals, advanced speakers only, or some other restriction, Thumbs Up Toastmasters is not. 
  • Everyone is welcome! We are an open-club which meets on Zoom!
  • We love beginners just starting on their pathway to becoming a powerful public speaker. 

Rain or shine, we meet Weekly each Sunday from 3p-4:30p CST online Worldwide via Zoom! Join the Meetup group to see where/when we meet in person! 

Best Regards,
VP of Public Relations
Thumbs Up Toastmasters 
Club #1415 | Area 61 | District 25