Marisa Britt
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Finley Tipton

IRVING – 18-year-old Finley Tipton is looking forward to beginning her collegiate lacrosse career after a major ACL reconstruction surgery at Medical City Las Colinas.

During a high school lacrosse game, Tipton pivoted directions and felt an instant pain in her right knee. After being carried off the field by her coach due to the severity of the injury, she went to Medical City Las Colinas for a complete diagnosis. Orthopedic experts diagnosed her with a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), one of the key ligaments that help stabilize the knee joint.

“Medical City Las Colinas offers comprehensive orthopedic services, allowing us to treat the unique needs of each patient,” says Stephanie Stephens, MD, Tipton’s orthopedic surgeon at Medical City Las Colinas. “Finley’s goal was to get back to the sport that she loved so we designed a surgical and rehabilitation plan to repair her ACL and strengthen the muscles that support her knees.”

Tipton underwent a leading-edge technique ACL reconstruction with a hamstring autograft, where hamstring tissue from behind the knee is used to create a new ACL. The hamstring muscles run down the back of the thigh. The graft used in ACL reconstruction is taken from the hamstring tendon along the inside portion of the thigh and knee to form a strong graft.

Following her surgery, Tipton had physical therapy at the Medical City Las Colinas outpatient rehabilitation clinic. Her therapist worked with her to create a customized lacrosse-based therapy exercise plan. The Medical City Las Colinas physical therapy team specializes in a wide variety of injuries and conditions for patients ranging in age from teens to seniors.

Tipton, a recent high school graduate, completed her senior year on the field following her surgery. In the fall, she will attend Wellesley College on a lacrosse scholarship.

“After my surgery, I am completely pain-free and I’m confident in my physical ability,” says Finley Tipton, orthopedic patient. “I am so excited to continue my lacrosse journey in college next year and that is all thanks to Medical City Las Colinas.”

Watch Finley Tipton’s story on YouTube:

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