The St. Jude Career Alliance will introduce a new career development curriculum at its quarterly job search workshop on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Titled...
The Tianyu Lights Festival, produced by Tianyu Arts & Culture, Inc., North America’s leading producer of larger-than-life lantern festivals, will officially...
EMPOWER , a nonprofit child welfare collaborative, is pleased to announce Randy Neff as Senior Vice President. EMPOWER is the Community-Based Contractor (CBC)...
EMPOWER , a nonprofit child welfare collaborative, is pleased to announce Randy Neff as Senior Vice President. EMPOWER is the Community-Based Contractor (CBC)...
A Perilous Premiere Stone & Steele, #1 by Gail Meath Fun and frothy and a solid murder mystery to boot! A Perilous Premiere is the first book...
The Last Bookstore on Earth by Lily Braun-Arnold YA dystopian tale with a twist! The Last Bookstore on Earth is a new YA dystopian/speculative...
J.L. Long 6th grade Spring Soccer registration time is here! League play is through the YMCA. The team is co-ed and open to anyone attending JL Long or any...
River of Lies Detective Emily Hunter Mystery, #2 by James L’Etoile Intriguing murder mystery full of surprising twists and turns! River of Lies...
The Dallas Chapter of the Military Order of World War s met January 7 at the Park Cities Club in Dallas. The speaker was Marcelyn Atwood, PMP Colonel, USAF...
Texas Woman’s University will present the 2025 Virginia Chandler Dykes Leadership Award to Nicole Small at the Dallas Leadership Luncheon, set for Thurs., Mar....