
To bring awareness to the importance of eating healthy during February Heart Month and beyond, Medical City Las Colinas’ dietitians are helping Bianca Castro from NBC 5 to track heart-healthy eating habits.

In addition to being the NBC 5 health reporter, Bianca has a family history of heart disease - her father had his first of two heart attacks at the age of 45. She met with a team of Medical City Las Colinas dietitians to review a Heart Healthy Eating Plan that anyone who wants to improve their own heart health can follow. She will track all the food she eats and submit a food diary to the Medical City Las Colinas dietitians on a weekly basis, which will enable feedback, encouragement and accountability.

To help assist and overcome challenges, Medical City Las Colinas will be posting videos on its Facebook page with tips for anyone who would like to join the heart healthy journey.

If you are interested in following this Heart Healthy Eating Plan, below are links to the plan and the food diary:

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